
【Smart & Healthy Living】OK Care x PTC International Limited
【Smart & Healthy Living】
OK Care x PTC International Limited
Topic: Chronic Pain of City dwellers
【Smart & Healthy Living】OK Care x The Neighborhood advice-action council
【Smart & Healthy Living】
OK Care x The Neighborhood advice-action council
Topic: Becoming stronger: prevention of sarcopenia
【Smart & Healthy Living】OK Care x HealthyU
【Smart & Healthy Living】
OK Care x HealthyU
Topic: Chronic Pain and Osteoporosis Management
Hong Kong Economic Journal interview
Ms. Yu shares how OK Care uses the new mobile application platform to find and solve the needs of users for nursing services in the "StartupBeat Innovation and Technology Chamber" series of interviews in the Hong Kong Economic Journal.
How to relieving pain at continuous wet weather
Ms. Ada Yu talks about how to take care for yourself in continuous wet weather.
How to relieving pain at home
Ms Ada Yu talks about how to keeping daily care at home.
Cyberport Interview 【Let us take care of your health】
Ms Yu shares the application of technology in combating Coronavirus at Braving the Epidemic interview in Cyberport.
Exercise for wearing high heels
Ms. Yu talks about the impacts on feet wearing high heels long-term and demonstrates related exercises to relieve foot pain.
Physiotherapist starting an online health care platform
Okay Healthcare Founder - Ms Yu was invited by Hong Kong Economic Times to share her experience on starting the Okay Healthcare app and its development.
Supermami Interview
'' Exercise for managing shoulder and neck pain”
Supermami Interview
'' Shoulder and Neck pain Prevention Tips”
Supermami Interview
'' Shoulder and Neck Pain - Cause and management of shoulder and neck pain”
am730 newspaper interview
Okay Healthcare Founder- Ada and Okay Healthcare team member – Janice were invited to introduce the treatments for stroke and rehabilitation period.
Capital Entrepreneurs Magazine Interview
Okay Healthcare Founder- Ada and CTO- Louis were invited to share their experience and views on the opportunities that the Greater Bay Area policy brings to enterprises.
Radio Interview
OK Care founder – Ada Yu was invited to have an interview on the radio programme “Famous Brands Hong Kong” at Metro Finance Radio, to share the OK Care process development and further development.
Radio Interview
We are pleased to be interviewed by RTHK radio programme「一桶金」, to share OK Care mobile app
development and analysis of the current medical market demand.